Assessing a TTX

Assessing a tabletop exercise is a critical phase aimed at extracting insights, evaluating performance, and identifying opportunities for improvement. This phase allows for a comprehensive review of the exercise’s effectiveness and serves as a catalyst for enhancing the organization’s preparedness.

Post-Exercise Debrief

Conduct a structured debriefing session to gather feedback from participants and leaders. Use this opportunity to further discuss strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. Document insights and action items generated during the debrief for future enhancements to response plans and procedures.

Templates and Resources for Exercise Debrief
-    Debrief Presentation PPT
-    Debrief Email

Review Performance

Review individual and team performance documented on the exercise evaluator guides. Assess adherence to protocols, decision-making processes, communication effectiveness, and the ability to execute response procedures. Identify notable successes and areas that require improvement. 

Review Outcomes

Compare exercise outcomes and observations against predefined objectives and expected outcomes. Analyze participant feedback to identify common themes and areas of concern. These insights provide a nuanced understanding of the exercise’s impact and areas requiring attention or improvement.

Develop After Action Report

Compile a comprehensive report summarizing the assessment findings, key observations, lessons learned, and proposed action items. Communicate these results and insights to relevant stakeholders and decision-makers to ensure informed engagement in the improvement process.

Template for After Action Report
-    After Action Report (Short Form)

Continuous Improvement

Based on the assessment outcomes, create an action plan outlining specific steps to address identified weaknesses or gaps. Assign responsibilities, set timelines, and establish clear objectives for implementing improvements. Use gained insights to update response plans, refine protocols, conduct additional training, or design follow-up exercises. This iterative process ensures continual enhancement of the organization’s preparedness and response capabilities.

Template for Action Items
-    Improvement Tracking Tool